Alberta Animal Rehabilitation Services

Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist, Donna LaRocque-Hennig provides a variety of Animal Rehabilitation Services to clients located in the Edmonton, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Devon and Parkland County areas. These rehabilitation services include:
Animal Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy for animals is very similar to that for humans. A history of the injury in determined from the owner and a complete neuro-musculosketal examination is performed to determine where the functional impairment lies. Then, working with the attending veterinarian and you, the owner, a specific rehabilitation program is developed that best meets the needs of your pet, its injury, its lifestyle and job and sport demands.
This can be as simple as range of motion and home exercise programs or may involve muscle stimulation, US, deep laser, joint mobilizations, soft tissue techniques, or other physiotherapy techniques such as cranial sacral techniques.
Animal Acupuncture and Acupressure
Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese art of healing. It has been used successfully to cure human illness and disorders for centuries. It can also be used very successfully in the treatment of animal diseases and disorders. Animals usually respond extremely well to Acupressure/Acupuncture. Acupressure or Acupuncture is often used after surgery for pain control or for pain control in chronic conditions such as arthritis.
Animal Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy can be as beneficial for animals as it is for humans. Even if your pet does not have a specific injury or disability, it can still suffer from overuse or tight or stiff muscles after a weekend of extra activity or competition just as you do.
A relaxing massage or a deep therapeutic massage can relieve those aching muscle after a competition or loosen them up before the competition begins. Professional human athletes know that the looser and more mobile and flexible their body is, the better they are able to perform. We are beginning to understand that the animal athlete is no different.
Modalities such as Laser or U.S. are a useful adjunct to physical therapy manual techniques or massage or acupuncture.
- Laser is often used to speed the healing of open wounds or to reduce scarring and inflammation. It is very useful after surgeries or sprains or strains. Laser is basically light energy and so there is very little, if any, sensation depending on the power of the laser used. Stronger the laser, the quicker and more effective the healing. Furry Friends Animal Rehab has a Class 4 Laser which is the most powerful therapeutic laser available to date. Most animals will quite readily accept laser treatments.
- Muscle Stim is used to strengthen weak muscles. Muscles may be weak due to injury, surgery, neurological conditions or disuse for some reason. It is an electrical current. Electrodes are placed on the muscle that needs to be strengthened and then stimulation is applied until a suitable muscle contraction is achieved. Most animals will tolerate this treatment quite well although someone does need to be in attendance with the animal to prevent electrode movement.
- TNS is trans-cutaneous nerve stimulation and as in humans is an electrical modality that can be used to control pain. It can be used over the painful area or it can be used over acupuncture points.
- Heat is used to decrease pain, to increase circulation, to decrease muscle spasm and in preparation for exercise or mobilization. There are a number of ways that heat can be applied but care must always be taken not to cause a burn.
- Cold is also used to decrease pain and muscle spasm. Cold will also decrease swelling and reduce inflammation. It can be used to control bleeding. Care must be taken if used in areas of impaired sensation or circulation. There are a number of ways to apply cold but care must be taken that there is no airspace between the cold medium and the skin. Cold should not be applied more than once in an hour or for more than 10 – 20 minutes.
Please Note: No modality should ever be used without the advise of an Animal Health Care Worker – preferably a Veterinarian or Physical Therapist who has done the training to work on animals.